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OSBÜK-OSB Stars Research Back

Memish Kutukcu, President of the (OSBÜK) Supreme Organization of Organized Industrial Zones, announced the results of the "OSBÜK-OSB Stars Research", which was held for the first time in Turkey, at the press conference. According to the data of 2020 with the research; the leading 100 companies with the highest exports, the leading100 companies with the highest domestic turnover, the leading100 companies with the highest profit before tax, the leading100 companies with the most employment, the leading100 companies with the highest number of women employed in OIZs (organized industrial zones) and the leading 50 companies that made the most investments in OIZs, the leading 50 companies that made the most R&D spending, the leading 50 companies that had the most patents, the leading 50 companies that had the most trademark registrations, and the leading 50 companies that spent the most on digitalization were determined.
EMIN DEMIREL MADEN A.Ş., as a result of the research conducted by the OIZ Senior Organization, ranked 2nd among the top 50 companies by investing TL among the top leading 50 companies that invested most in Digitalization among OIZs in 2020.

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OSBÜK-OSB Stars Research