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Marble factory title deed transfer process whose investment has been completed... Back

On 20.12.2012, 45,932.61 m² of land approved to Emin Demirel Mermer, Maden ve Zirai Uretim SAN. ve TİC. A.Ş. by Iscehisar Marble Specialized Organized Industry Directorate. The title deed transfer process of the marble factory, whose investment was completed, was transferred to Adnan DEMIREL, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, by the Iscehisar District Governor, with a ceremony held in Iscehisar District Governorship on 02.09.2020.

District governor Ugur KAPAR(OIZ Board Chairman) 
Adnan DEMIREL (Chairman of the board of Emin Demirel Maden A. Ş.)
Necmettin AYYILDIZ, Board Member of Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) Osman ÇELEBI, (Deputy Mayor of Iscehisar)
Gökhan ÇELIK, (Director of Land Registry),
Muhammed BACAKSIZ (Director of OIZ)

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